Page updated: 11.28.2022
Manufactured: 1958
First Flight: 08.14.1958
G.A.E.C. (07.10.1958 to 08.19.1992)
Grumman American Corporation (07.00.1969 to 00.00.0000)
Gulfstream American Corporation (08.31.1978 to 00.00.0000)
Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation (06.00.1983 to 00.00.0000)
Dodson International Parts (10.25.1994 to 09.15.1995)

08.14.1958 unattributed
Markings: Experimental below side window / Grumman Gulfstream / Grumman logo

08.14.1958 After first flight
Markings: Experimental below side window

00.00.0000 (Bethpage)
courtesy of National Naval Aviation Museum, Pensacola, Florida

11.24.1978 (KDCA) courtesy of Bob Holland

04.15.1993 (KDCA) courtesy of Stuart Jessup

Air South.. courtesy of Jon Jamieson

07.08.1995 (FAWB) image Andre de Ruiter / Alex McPhee
Notes: prop feathered

Coastac Flow Trade (09.19.1995 to 00.00.0000)
Vanellus (00.00.0000 to 00.00.1999)
02.24.1999 (FACT) by Andy Martin, courtesy of AirTeamImages

Flamingo Airlines (09.25.2002 to 01.07.2003)
06.05.2003 (FAGM) courtesy of Mike Kell (Flickr)

East African Safari Air (01.07.2003 to 00.00.0000)
05.00.2003 (?) by J. Guillem, courtesy of Jean Claude Giraud / Air-Azur
Markings: “East African” on fuselage / Company logo on tail
Notes: kept the stripes of the paint as N701G/ZS-NVG

00.00.0000 (?) courtesy of Eric Trum Collection

05.25.2005 (HKNW) images courtesy of Geoff Street
Markings: logo on tail

11.00.2006 (HKNW) courtesy of Dave Setser
Markings: Company logo on tail

08.28.2007 (HKNW) courtesy of Guido Potters
Markings: Company logo on tail

Between 07.25.2008 and 10.10.2008 (HKNW) courtesy of Clive (Superspotter)
Markings: Company logo on tail

Unknown (4.12.2008 to 00.00.0000)
03.05.2009 (FAGM) courtesy of George Tsialtas(Plane
Markings: Company logo from East African days / “SN 1” below horizontal stab.

00.000.2009 (FAGM) courtesy of Bruce Perkins

03.08.2009 (FAGM) courtesy of Arnold Balledux
Markings: “SN 1” below horizontal stab.

08.01.2009 (FAGM) courtesy of Bruce Perkins (AVCOM forum)
Markings: Company logo on tail / “SN 1” below horizontal stab.

Malu Aviation (01.00.2011 to 00.00.0000)
Wilken Group (00.00.0000 to current)
02.13.2010 (FAGM) courtesy of Bruce Perkins (AVCOM forum)

09.16.2012 (FAGM) 2 images Bruce Perkins(AVCOM forum)
Markings: “Wilken Group” on fuselage
Notes: Last known images of 9Q-CTC before it was destroyed

The remote dirt strip

Story is the aircraft landed on a water logged muddy strip and was damaged. Damage to the props was mentioned. It was decided to do field repairs and to wait three days for the strip to dry out a bit before taking off again. It seems the mud was still too deep and it went off the end of the runway and was badly damaged followed by a fire. Aircraft was a total write-off.