Page updated: 08.14.2018
Manufactured: 1959
First Flight: 02.17.1959
Delivered: 06.29.1959
(CN. 003 was the first Grumman Demonstrator Aircraft.)
Grumman American Aviation Corporation (new name 07.00.1969 to 00.00.0000)
Grumman Eco Systems (00.00.1970 to 00.00.0000)
Motorola Aerial Remote Sensing Incorporated (07.16.1974 to 00.00.0000)
The “delivery package” as installed.
Markings: Grumman Gulfstream

00.00.0000 (?) G-159 H.R.M.

05.26.1968 (KCTO) image by Deigan via Thomas S. Cuddy / courtesy of Tom Hildreth
Markings: “Grumman Gulfstream” on fuselage

00.00.1978/1979 (KPHX) courtesy of John Emery

(00.00.0000) (XXXX) courtesy of Michel Anciaux

Mars Aer Remote/ETAL (03.19.1982 to 08.15.1986)
Sky Service (11.05.1986 to 09.05.1991)
Removed from service by 1989

07.11.1984 (CYWG) courtesy of Tim Martin
Markings: Canadian Flag on tail

00.00.late 1980’s (YPAD) courtesy of Tony Haynes
Markings: Canadian flag on tail
Notes: Note external store under fuselage
