Page updated: 01.29.2022
Manufactured: 1959
First Flight: 07.30.1959
Delivered: 08.19.1959
Mcknight Enterprises (08.17.1959 to 00.00.0000)
Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (09.00.1968 to 00.00.0000)
00.00.1964 (KMCI) G-159 H.R.M.

00.00.0000 (?) unknown photographer / courtesy of Alex McPhee
Markings: logo on tail

Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (re-reg. 01.00.1969 to 00.00.0000)
Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (re-reg.03.00.1973 to 00.00.0000)
Offshore Company (09.00.1973 to 00.00.0000)
P & O Falco Inc. (02.00.1978 to 00.00.0000)
HNG / Inter North (00.00.1986 to 00.00.0000)

00.00.0000 (?) G-159 H.R.M.
Company: P&O Falco Incorporated
Markings: P&O Falco on tail

Hawk Aviation Limited (04.07.1987 to 03.25.1991)
Peregrine Aviation (leased 03.00.1987 to 00.00.0000)
TAS Airways (sub-leased 09.23.1988 to 00.00.0000)
Peregrine Air Services (returned to Hawk 03.00.1989 to 00.00.0000)
Aberdeen Airways(new name) (01.00.1990 to 00.00.0000)
Wisdom Investments Limited (03.25.1991 to 05.04.1993)
Total airframe as of 12.31.1991…. 16883
Aberdeen Airways (leased 00.00.1991 to 00.00.0000)
Permanently withdrawn 05.04.1993
In December 1999, wings were removed and the fuselage was moved around Dundee airport in support of fire training. It stayed in this capacity for 18 months, then the fuselage was last seen at Dundee docks, moved, and never seen again.
07.28.1987 (EGCC) courtesy of Mike Hopwood

02.06.1988 (EGPH) courtesy of Charlie Stewart

07.00.1988 (EGLL) courtesy of Clive R. Martin

07.00.1989 (EGPH) courtesy of John Allen

03.00.1990 (EGPD) courtesy of Ken Fielding

08.00.1990 (EGPD) courtesy of Kevin Colbran
Markings: British Airways on fuselage

08.00.1990 (EGPD) courtesy of Kevin Colbran
Markings: British Airways

After 1990 unattributed
Markings: North East Express

09.14.1991 (EGPD) courtesy of David Cain (Ayronautica)

07.07.1997 (EGPD) courtesy of Richard Taylor
Markings: “North East Express” on fuselage
Notes: Being stripped for scrapping

10.01.2004 (EGPN) courtesy of Wallace Shackleton (

12.00.2005 (EGPN) Google Earth

01.14.2006 (EGPN) courtesy of Geoff Duke
Markings: “North East Express” on fuselage
