Page updated: 11.20.2020
Manufactured: 1960
First Flight: 04.15.1960
Delivered: 04.22.1960
Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company (04.22.1960 to 00.00.0000)
As of July 1961, accumulated 410 hours.
Consolidated Airways Incorporated (02.00.1979 to 00.00.0000)
Emery Express (03.00.1979 to 00.00.0000)
(operated by Zantop Airways from 03.00.1979 to 05.00.1982
TAG Leasing Company (05.00.1982 to 00.00.0000)
Orion Air Group (leased 05.00.1982 to 01.00.1983)
08.00.1979 (KMSP) courtesy of Thomas J. Kalina
Markings: Emery Express on fuselage / Zantop Airways on tail

11.04.1980 (KHOU) courtesy of George W. Hamlin
Markings: Emery Express on fuselage / Zantop Airways on tail

Orion Air (01.00.1983 to 05.00.1986)
General Aviation Incorporated (05.00.1986 to 00.00.0000)
(operated from 05.00.1986 to 09.00.1986)
Citicorp Industrial Credit Incorporated (09.00.1986 to 00.00.0000)
Citicorp North America Incorporated (12.00.1987 to 02.09.1990)
Withdrawn from use & stored Mojave California
Exported to Spain

07.00.1987 (KIND) courtesy of Elliot Epstein
Markings: Purolator Courier on fuselage / “39” lower nose

09/10.00.1987 (XXXX) courtesy of Bernd Dienel

00.00.0000 (KSAT) courtesy of David Goodall

Drenair (02.07.1990 to 08.06.1990)
02.02.1990 (EIDW) courtesy of Ken Meegan
Markings: drenair on fuselage

Drenair (08.06.1990 to 00.00.0000)
Withdrawn from use and stored Madrid Spain
Seven Air (05.11.2005 to 00.00.0000)
Boreal Aviacion (00.00.0000 to current)
07.28.1990 (EBBR) courtesy of Andy Marks (UK Air Pics)
Markings: “Francisco de Asis” on nose / denair on fuselage / Spanish flag on fuselage

06.00.1991 (LEMD) courtesy of Francisco Andreu
Markings: drenair / Spanish Flag on fuse. / “Francisco de Asis” on nose

09.30.1992 (LPPT) courtesy of Pedro Aragao
Markings: Spanish flag on rear fuselage

09.21.2001 (LEMD) courtesy of Jean GOUBET
Markings: drenair / Spanish Flag on fuse. / “Francisco de Asis” on nose

02.06.2003 (LEMD) courtesy of F. Javier Chao

03.15.2003 (LEMD) courtesy of Manuel Marin
Markings: Spanish Flag on fuselage

12.18.2005 (LEMD) Far right / courtesy of F. Javier Chao
Markings: Spanish flag on fuselage / remains of drenair

00.00.2010 (LEMD)/ 08.26.2011
