Page updated: 02.10.2022
Manufactured: 1960
First Flight: 06.27.1960
Delivered: 06.29.1960
G.A.E.C. (00.00.0000 to 00.00.0000)
International Paper Company (09.29.1960 to
As of July 1061, accumulated 475 hours
Patricia Davis Beck (01.00.1980 to 00.00.0000
From a pilot of N746G
Patricia Davis Beck owned a thoroughbred race horse. Her husband bought the G1 for her to get to the races including the Kentucky Derby. Mrs Beck put the airplane on Jet Fleet’s FAR 135 certificate and I was one of the pilots picked to go to G1 class. No big deal, I thought this was just like all the other airplanes I’ve flown, and then we turned to the props section…? I think all us Jet guys were humbled right there and then. So, we chartered the airplane. Once word got out to band road managers about this airplane with a stand up cabin and could carry 14 we stayed busy year round flying rock bands. 1981-1984 we flew The Beach Boys, AC-DC, Jimmy Buffet, Tina Turner, Phil Collins and Heart.
Barron Thomas Aviation Incorporated (12.00.1984 to 00.00.1985)
East Texas Aircraft Incorporated (05.00.1985 to 00.00.0000)
Royale Airlines (10.02.1986 to 12.31.2012)
Removed from service by 1989
00.00.0000 unattributed
Markings: Grumman Gulfstream on fuselage

00.00.0000 (airborne)
courteys of National Naval Aviation Museum, Pensacola, Florida

00.00.0000 (?) unattributed

06.21.1975 (KBOS) image Thomas Cuddy / courtesy of Tom Hildreth

00.00.0000 (?) G-159 H.R.M.
