Page updated: 02.02.2022
Manufactured: 1961
First Flight: 12.15.1961
Delivered: 02.08.1962
One of five G-159’s converted to G-159C (Stretched)
Armco Steel Corporation (02.08.1962 to 00.00.0000)
Chrysler Corporation (leased 02.08.1962 to 00.00.0000)
Gulfstream American Corporation (05.00.1981 to 00.00.0000)
00.00.0000 (?) courtesy of Larry Green.

Gulfstream American Corporation (re-reg. 06.00.1981 to 00.00.0000)
Air Inuit (leased 08.00.1983 to 00.000.0000)
Gulfstream American Corporation (00.00.1984 to 00.00.0000)
Chaparral Airlines (leased 05.00.1985 to 00.00.0000)
Chapparal Airlines (re-reg. 01.00.1986 to 00.00.0000)
Chrysler Asset Management Corporation (07.06.1987 to 05.01.1991)
Chaparral Airlines (leased 06.00.1987 to 00.00.0000)
Metroflight (managed 09.00.1990 to 00.00.0000)
Withdrawn from use and stored Willow Run Detroit Michigan 01.00.1991
Chrysler Asset Management Corporation (07.29.1991 to 00.00.0000)
White Industries (00.00.0000 to 08.00.2103)
Remains reported at White Industries.

10.00.1988 (KDFW) courtesy of Richard Vandervord
Markings: “American Eagle” on fuselage / logo on tail

10.00.1988 (KDFW) courtesy of Urs Baettig
Markings: “American Eagle” on fuselage / Logo on tail

00.00.1988 (KDFW) courtesy of Phil Blinkhorn.
Markings: “American Eagle” on fuselage / logo on tail

00.00.1986 (?) G-159 H.R.M.
Markings: “American Eagle” on fuselage / logo on tail

00.00.1991 (?) unattributed
Markings: “American Eagle” on fuselage / logo on tail

04.00.1994 (KYIP) courtesy of Rich Tregear

1994/95 (KYIP) courtesy of Curtis Stringfellow

08.10.2009 (2M1) courtesy of Jakob Dahlgaard

Broken up in 1991
Stored at White Industries