Page updated: 03.22.2023
Manufactured: 1962
First Flight: 03.13.1962
Delivered: 03.29.1962
Coca Cola Company (03.29.1962 to 00.00.0000)
Gulf Resources & Chemical Corporation (07.00.1968 to 00.00.0000)
00.00.0000 (KSFO) courtesy of Jay Sherlock@World Biz Spotters

Montgomery Ward & Company Inc. (06.00.1969 to 00.00.1972)
00.00.0000 (KOAK)
courtesy of Jay Sherlock@World Biz Spotters

Montgomery Ward & Company Inc. (re-reg. 00.00.1972 to 00.00.0000)
00.00.0000 (?) courtesy of Alex McPhee

Montgomery Ward & Company Incorporated (re-reg. 02.00.1975 to 00.00.0000)
Western Leasing Company (00.00.1976 to 00.00.0000)
Robert J. Anderson (09.13.1977 to 00.00.0000)
05.00.1977 (KVNY) courtesy of Ellis M. Chernoff

Allstate Insurance Company (02.00.1979 to 00.00.0000)
Consolidated Airways Incorporated (03.000.1981 to 00.00.0000)
Consolidated Airways Incorporated (re-reg. 08.00.1981 to 00.00.0000)
Consolidated Airways Incorporated (re-reg. 08.00.1983 to 00.00.0000)
International Jet Leasing Company (02.00.1985 to 00.00.0000)
Tim-Bar Corporation (12.00.1986 to 00.00.0000)
Tim-Bar Corporation (re-reg. 01.08.1987 to 02.24.1991)
Gap of 11 years between Tim Bar and Flight Source
Flight Source International (09.25.2002 to 10.04.2002)
Exported to South Africa

01.28.1997 (KMIA) courtesy of Jakob L. Dahlgaard

00.00.0000 (?) courtesy of Paul Kanagie of PHLAIRLINE.COM

Tramon Air (10.04.2002 to 00.00.0000)
Trans Air Congo SARL PTY LTD. (05.06.2009 to certificate of A.W. expired: 10.21.20013)
00.00.2002 (FAJS) courtesy of Bob Adams
Markings: “Tramon Air” on nose

10.16.2004 (FAJS) courtesy of Zac Economides
Markings: “Tramon Air” forward fuselage

11.26.2004 (FALA) courtesy of Rob Boyes

11.14.2005 (FALA) courtesy of Tony EdlindMarkings: “Tramon Air ” on nose

04.10.2006 (FALA) courtesy of Graham C. Evans.Markings: “Tramon Air” on nose
Notes: ZS-JIS in background

09.23.2007 (FCPP) courtesy of VanoMarkings: “Tramon Air” on nose

00.00.2008 (FALA) 2 images courtesy of Omer Mees (Photon)Markings: “Tramon Air” on nose

08.30.2009 (FALA) courtesy of Omar Mees (Photon)
Notes: New paint

09.27.2010 (FAWB) courtesy of Johan Hetebrij.

01.21.2011 (FAWB) courtesy of Szabo Gabor (

06.24.2012 (FALA) courtesy of Omar Mees (photon)

02.07.2013 (FALA) courtesy of Steve Cross
Notes: Main gear doors slightly open

11.13.2013 (FALA) courtesy of Alex Rankin

11.27.2013 (FALA) courtesy of Adrian Munro, Copyright 2013
Notes: Maintenance run-up after long period of no-flight.

09.17.2014 (FALA) courtesy of Streep

Unknown (00.00.2015 to 00.00.0000)
05.16.2015 (FALA) courtesy of Adrian Munroe

07.10.2015 (FALA) courtesy of Pete Field

12.26.2015 (FZNA) courtesy of Poséidon Vahaviraki
Baggage area has been modified since the image taken on 05.16.2015

05.08.2016 (FAGM) 2 images courtesy of Bruce Perkins

02.28.2016 You Tube
Malu Aviation (00.00.2015 to 00.00.0000)
11.20.2019 FAGM courtesy of Bruce Perkins
