Page updated:03.01.2022
Manufactured: 1962
First Flight: 04.27.1962
Delivered: 05.23.1962
Factory Reg: N788G
Atlantic Aviation Corporation (05.23.1962 to 00.00.0000)
Arthur Godfrey (08.00.1962 to 00.00.0000)
In 1961, N1M became the first U.S. civil aircraft to be flown to CatIIIa standards
using a dual Collins Para Visual Display system.
00.00.1965 (KBDL) courtesy of Tom Hildreth Photography

00.00.0000 (?) courtesy of

H.J. Heinz and Company (07.00.1970 to 00.00.0000)
00.00.0000 (?)

04.00.1974 (KBDL) courtesy of Tom Hildreth Photography

H.J. Heinz and Company (re-reg. 03.00.1979 to 00.00.0000)
Gulfstream American Corporation (10.00.1979 to 00.00.0000)
U. S. Aviation Incorporated (06.00.1981 to 00.00.0000)
Excellair (new name 05.00.1985 to 00.00.0000)
Federal Aviation Administration (12.00.1985 to 00.00.0000)
Pentastar Aviation Incorporated (02.00.1986 to 00.00.0000)
Chrysler Pentastar Aviation Incorporated (new name 12.00.1986 to
Chaparral Airlines (01.00.1989 to 00.00.0000)
Chrysler Asset Management Corporation (01.00.1990 to 00.00.0000)
Chaparral Airlines (leased 01.00.1990 to 00.00.0000)
Metroflight (managed 09.00.1990 to 00.00.0000)
Withdrawn from use and stored Willow Run Detroit Michigan 01.00.1991
Chrysler Asset Management Corporation (07.27.1991 to 00.00.0000)
00.00.1979 (?) unattributed
Notes: Before conversion to G159C

08.00.1982 (KDEN) by Donnie Head, courtesy of Gary C. Orlando
Markings: “Air U.S.” on fuselage

06.00.1986 (KYIP) courtesy of Richard Vandervord
Markings: “Excellair” on fuselage

00.00.0000 (KYIP) courtesy of Eric Trum Collection

00.00.1994/95 (KYIP) courtesy of Curtis Stringfellow

Ptarmigen Airways (01.09.1995 to 11.22.1996)
Bradley Air Services (11.22.1996 to 06.24.1998)
First Air (leased 12.00.1996 to 00.00.0000)
Deleted from Canadian Registry 12.11.2000

06.25.1996 (CYZF) courtesy of Romano Germann
Markings: “PalAir” on fuselage / logo on tail

08.05.1998 (CYZF) courtesy of Bob Holland

00.00.000 (?) courtesy of Eric Trum Collection

Phoenix Air Group (12.20.2000 to 01.31.2016)
04.22.2004 (KVPC) courtesy of Howard J. Nash

12.12.2005 (KBWI) courtesy of Matthew Donica

01.01.2006 (KFLL) courtesy of Thomas Posch
Notes: Yours truly on final approach to KFLL

03.031.2007 (KNTD) courtesy of Doug Robertson

02.15.2013 (KPBI) courtesy of Graham Speirs
Notes: APU running

03.21.2014 (KPBI) courtesy of IndiaEcho Aviation

10.04.2016 courtesy of Kris Freeman

Now Scrapped