Page updated: 01.31.2022
Manufactured: 1962
First Flight: 01.25.1963
Delivered: 02.04.1963
Factory Reg: N715G
Kaiser Jeep Corporation (02.04.1963 to 00.00.0000)
Associated Airlines PTY (05.00.1969 to 00.00.0000)
Made first flight for Associated Airlines on 06.23.1969.
Business Aviation Center (12.00.1991 to 00.00.0000)
Premier Airlines (leased 12.00.1991 to 00.00.0000)
Business Aviation Center (10.00.1994 to 00.00.0000)
Menzies Aviation (leased 10.00.1994 to 00.00.0000)
International Air Parts (12.00.1994 to 00.00.0000)
Withdrawn from use and stored Auckland New Zealand 05.00.1995
00.00.1974 (YSSY) courtesy of John Krepp

07.00.1985 (YPKA) courtesy of David Eyre

07.00.1985 (YPKA) courtesy of David Eyre

07.00.1985 (YPKA) courtesy of David Eyre

00.00.late 1980’s (YPAD) courtesy of Tony Haynes

04.26.1990 (YMEN) courtesy of John Wilkinson

01.13.1991 (YMEN) courtesy of Bruce Linwood.
Markings: “National Jet” on fuselage / logo on tail

00.00.1995 (NZAA) courtesy of Christopher Redford

12.31.2004 (NZAA) Google Earth

03.30.2006 (NZAA) Google Earth

12.03.2006 (NZAA) courtesy of Micha Luek

05.11.2008 (NZAA) courtesy of Andy Graf

01.31.2008 (NZAA) Google Earth

03.27.2009 (NZAA) shown in new location with wings cut off

03.07.2011 (NZAA) Google Earth

04.08.2013 (NZAA) Google Earth

06.19.2021 (NZAA) Fire Dump

Broken up
Minus outer wings, on fire dump, Auckland New Zealand