Page updated: 01.31.2022
Manufactured: 1963
First Flight: 11.04.1963
Delivered: 12.19.1963
Factory Reg: N718G
Royal Hellenic Air Force (12.19.1963 to 00.00.0000)
Last flight was in October 1995 when it arrived at the museum.
00.00.1960’s (?)unattributed
Markings: Greece Flag on tail

08.06.1964 (EGLL) courtesy of John Hamlin
Markings: Greece Flag on tail

00.00.1972 (EGLL) courtesy of Mick West
Markings: Greece flag on tail

11.08.1974 (EGLL) courtesy of David Winyard

06.15.1981 (ELLX) courtesy of Paul Thallon
Markings: Greece Flag on tail

05.00.1992 (LGAT) courtesy of George Pantalos

11.08.1994 (LGTT) courtesy of Savvas Garozis
Markings: “120” and Greek flag on tail / logo bottom of tail

11.07.1998 (LGTT) courtesy of Gerard Helmer
Markings: Greece Flag on and “120” on tail / logo bottom of wing

11.13.2006 (LGTT) courtesy of

07.27.2010 (LGTT) Google Earth

04.08.2011 (LGTT) Google Earth

03.08.2013 (LGTT) Google Earth

06.00.2014 (KGTT) courtesy of Rich Tregear

08.07.2021 (LGTT)

Tatoi Air Force Base Greece (LGGT)