Page updated: 07.30.2017
Manufactured: 1964
First Flight: 07.14.1964
Delivered: 07.30.1964
Factory Reg: N755G
Shell Aircraft Limited (10.19.1964 to 07.13.1967)
Ford Motor Company (07.28.1967 to 08.09.1982)
Total time on 12.31.1991…16374

02.22.1965 (EGLL) courtesy of John Hamlin
Markings: logo beneath side window / logo on tail

00.00.1966 (?) G-159 H.R.M.
Markings: logo beneath side window / logo on tail

00.00.0000 (?) courtesy of Lee Mullins

00.00.late 60’s (EBBR) courtesy of Robert Roggeman

00.00.1970 (EGLL) courtesy of David Winyard

00.00.1971 (EGLL) courtesy of Mick West

06.07.1972 (EGBH) by Keith Harper, courtesy of David Haines

06.07.1972 (EGBH) by Keith Harper, courtesy of David Haines

00.00.1974 (EGSS) courtesy of Clive R. Martin

01.19.1977 (EGNX) courtesy of John Smith
Notes: engines running and APU door open

00.00.early 80’s (EGGP) courtesy of Calflier001

00.00.0000 (?) unattributed

00.00.0000 courtesy of Ivan Betancourt
Notes: Remains of G-ASXT
Fuselage used for mock up of Priester Aviation cargo door installation S.T.C.

Scrapped at Denver 1983