Page updated: 01.26.2022
Manufactured: 1964
First Flight: 07.25.1964
Delivered: 08.09.1964
Factory Reg: N756G
Aero Minerales SA (00.00.1969 to 04.00.1993)
Industrial Mineral de Mexico (00.00.0000 to 00.00.0000)
Sud Pacifico (00.00.1995 to 00.00.1996)
03.23.1995 (MMPN) courtesy of Martin Lopez (MAIK)
Markings: Sudpacifico / Mexican flag beneath side window / logo on tail

00.00.1995 (MMMN) courtesy of Martin Lopez (Maik)
Markings: Sudpacifico / Mexican flag beneath side window / logo on tail

00.00.0000 (MMPN) courtesy of Martin Lopez (MAIK)
Markings: Sudpacifico / Mexican flag beneath side window / logo on tail

02.05.2008 (MMPN) courtesy of Martin Lopez (MAIK)Markings: Sudpacifico / Mexican flag beneath side window / logo on tail

02.05.2008 (MMPN) courtesy of Martin Lopez (Maik)
Markings: logo on tail

01.10.2011 (MMPN) Google Earth

12.19.2011 (MMPN) Google Earth

10.29.2016 (MMPN) Google Earth

11.03.2020 Google Earth

Unknown (00.00.0000 to 00.00.0000)
Withdrawn at Uruapan Mexico (MMPN)