Page updated: 01.22.2022
Manufactured: 1964
First Flight: 10.22.1964
Delivered: 11.02.1964
Factory Reg: N765G
IT&T Corporation (11.02.1964 to 00.00.0000)
Page Avjet Corporation (07.00.1984 to 00.00.0000)
00.00.1965 (EGLL) courtesy of John Coupland Collection (via Paul Seymour)

07.27.1965 (EGPH) courtesy of eLaReF

02.22.1977 (EGLL) courtesy of Trevor Warne

00.00.1977/78 (EBBR) courtesy of Michel Anciaux

00.00.1977/78 (EBBR) courtesy of Michel Anciaux

04.00.1979 (LSZH) courtesy of Fredy Hader

02.00.1981 (EGBB) courtesy of Kevin Pitt

03.00.1982 (EDDL) courtesy of Udo K. Haafke

07.08.1983 (EIDW) courtesy of Paul Berns

Page Avjet Corporation (re-reg. 11.00.1984 to 00.00.0000)

Societe Desio & Brianza Leasing (07.00.1987 to 00.00.0000)
TAS Airways (leased 07.00.1987 to 00.00.0000)
07.00.1988 (LIRQ)
Markings: “Mistral Air” beneath side window

05.00.1989 (?) unattributed
Markings: “Mistral Air” below side window / “Mistral Air” on fuselage

05.00.1990 (EDDL) courtesy of Werner Fischdick
Markings: “TAS Airways” on fuselage twice

06.21.1991 (EDDB) courtesy of Gerhard Mackrodt
Markings: “TAS Airways” on fuselage

06.02.1992 (LIPE) courtesy of Donato Bolelli
Markings: “TAS Airways” on fuselage twice
Note: Image taken 22 days before accident that retired this airframe


Dodson Aircraft (12.15.1992 to scrapped)