Page updated: 11.18.2020
Manufactured: 1965
First Flight: 03.15.1965
Delivered: 04.09.1965
Factory Reg: N733G
Niagra Mohawk Power Company (04.09.1965 to 09.00.1973)
00.00.1966 (KBWI) G-159 H.R.M.

09.27.1966 (KIAG) courtesy of Brendan McCartney

00.00.1969 (KLBE) courtesy of Anthony Tito

Allied Chemical Corporation (09.00.1973 to 00.00.0000)
TAG Leasing Company Incorporated (05.00.1980 to 00.00.0000)
Orion Air (leased 05.00.1980 to 05.00.1986)
Purolator Courier Corporation (05.00.1986 to 00.00.0000)
Citicorp Industrial Credit Incorporated (09.00.1986 to 00.00.0000)
Citicorp North America Incorporated (transfered 12.00.1987 to 00.00.0000)
Withdrawn from use & stored Mojave California
drenair (00.00.0000 to 00.00.0000)
04.00.1988 (KRDU) courtesy of Eddie Coates.
Markings: “General” on tail

00.00.0000 (?)
Markings: “Purolator Courier” on fuselage
Notes: In storage at Mojave California

00.00.0000 (?) G-159 H.R.M.Markings: drenair on fuselage

Drenair (04.03.1990 to 00.00.0000)
00.00.0000 (?) G-159 H.R.M.
Markings: drenair on fuselage / ViCante Ferrer on nose

00.00.1990 (EHRD) courtesy of David van Maaren.
Markings: drenair on fuselage / ViCante Ferrer on nose / Spanish Flag on fuselage

00.00.1991 (EHRD) courtesy of maarten-sr.
Markings: drenair on fuselage / ViCante Ferrer on nose

Drenair (re-reg. 09.07.1993 to 00.00.0000)
Withdrawn from use & stored Madrid Spain 01.00.1996
Stellair (00.00.1999 to 00.02.2007)
06.00.1991 (LEMD) courtesy of Francisco Andreu
Markings: “drenair” on fuselage / “Vicante Ferrer” on nose

10.14.1992 (LPFR) courtesy of Pedro Aragao
Markings: drenair on fuselage / Vicante Ferrer on nose / Spanish Flag on fuselage

05.26.2001 (LEMD) courtesy of David Van Maaren

12.18.2001 (LEAL) courtesy of Manuel Marin
Markings: Stellair on fuselage / Spanish flag on fuselage

04.20.2004 (LEVT) courtesy of Stefan De Sutter

09.18.2004 (LEPA) courtesy of Ray Barber
Markings: Stellair on fuselage / Spanish Flag on fuselage

02.13.2005 (LEPA) courtesy of Llorenc Roig
Markings: Stellair on fuselage / Spanish Flag on fuselage

19th Hole Corporation (02.26.2007 to 12.31.2013)
Stored at LEMD

(08.02.2007) Google Earth (Center G1)

03.06.2008 (LEMD) courtesy of Javier Bobadilla / Iberian Spotters
Markings: Stellair on fuselage

11.00.2008 (LEMD) Center G-159 courtesy of William W. Sierra
Markings: Stellair on fueslage

10.08.2012 (LEMD) courtesy of Tomas Milosch
Markings: Stellair on fuselage

11.19.2013 (LEMD) courtesy of Brian Thompson
Notes: Center G1
