Page updated: 01.31.2022
Manufactured: 1965
First Flight: 11.17.1965
Delivered: 01.24.1966
Factory Reg: N791G
National Cash Register Company (01.24.1966 to 00.00.0000)
National Cash Register Company (re-reg. 07.00.1969 to 00.00.0000)
NDM Corporation (09.00.1977 to 00.00.0000)
Coleman Air Transport (10.00.1979 to 00.00.0000)
Royale Airlines (02.00.1985 to 00.00.0000)
00.00.1978 (?) G-159 H.R.M.

Royale Airlines (re-reg 05.00.1985 to 09.00.1987)
Commercial National Bank in Shreveport (09.00.1987 to 00.00.0000)
Dodson Aviation Incorporated (07.00.1989 to 00.00.0000)
Abbey Aviation Incorporated (08.00.1989 to 00.00.0000)
Austin Jet Corporation (12.00.1989 to 03.09.1990)
Exported to France


07.00.1990 (LFPB) G-159 H.R.M
Markings: “Air Provence International” on fuselage / Air Provence logo on tail

Leopair (leased 12.10.1990 to 00.00.0000)
05.00.1991 (LFMN) courtesy of Air Azur
Markings: Cross on tail / “Leopair” and logo on fuselage

02.08.1992 (LEGE) courtesy of Jordi Grife
Markings: “3M” twice on fuselage / Olympic rings on fuselage / Cross on tail

07.24.1992 (LEGE) courtesy of Jordi Grife
Markings: Cross on tail

Aeroel Airways (08.15.1993 to 00.00.0000)
02.10.1994 (LFML) courtesy of Thomas Posch

09.00.1993 (LGAT) courtesy of George Pantalos

00.00.1994 (?) G-159 H.R.M.

00.00.0000. G-159 H.R.M.

Intertransit (00.00.0000 to 00.00.0000)
09.00.2002 (FAGM) courtesy of Bob Adams
Markings: sticker below side window

10.07.2003 (FAGM) courtesy of Bill Teasdale (air-britain photographic images)Markings: sticker below side window

02.13.2004 courtesy of Roy Blewett/Survivors.
Markings: sticker below side window

(00.00.0000) (XXXX) courtesy of Michel Anciaux

01.14.2005 (FALA) courtesy of Paul Seymour

04.10.2006 (FALA) courtesy of Graham C. Evans
Markings: sticker below side window

08.05.2007 (FALA) courtesy of AirTeamImages.
Markings: sticker below side window

02.14.2008 (FALA) courtesy of Lachlan Brendan
Markings: sticker below side window

09.22.2008 (FALA) courtesy of Steve Brimley
Markings: sticker below side window

00.00.0000 (FALA) unattributed
Markings: Angolan flag with lettering below DV window / “Gulfstream” “GMX” below DV window

02.05.2009 (FALA) courtesy of Streep

Scrapped at FALA in 2009