Page updated: 01.17.2022
Manufactured: 1966
First Flight: 03.30.1966
Delivered: 04.11.1966
International Telephone and Telephone Company (04.11.1969 to 00.00.0000)
11.00.1976 (KDAB) courtesy of Ellis M. Chernoff

00.00.1979 (KLGA) courtesy of Anton Huemann

Hugh C. Culver (07.00.1980 to 12.00.1980)
G1 Aviation Incorporated (12.00.1980 to 11.00.1985)
Wassau Paper Mills Company (11.00.1985 to 03.10.1986)
Wassau Paper Mills Company (re-reg. 03.10.1986 to 01.31.1991)
07.25.1991 (KAZO) courtesy of Roger Richards

Wassau Paper Mills Company (re-reg. 10.00.1993 to 02.04.1994)
Jet Exchange Incorporated (02.04.1994 to 00.00.0000)
Hill Aircraft & Leasing Corporation (02.04.1994 to 00.00.0000)
American European Corporation (re-reg. 02.17.1994 to 00.00.0000)
American International Television (transfered 09.28.1996 to 00.00.0000)
00.00.1998 (EGGW) courtesy of Geoff Davidson

American International Television (re-reg. 00.00.0000 to 00.00.0000)
Platinum Air LLC (11.06.1998 to 11.06.1998)
Termnet Merchant Services (00.00.0000 to 00.00.0000)
Berry G.P. (04.22.2009 to 06.30.2011)

10.00.1996 (LSZH) courtesy of Chris Haag
Markings: Company logo on vetical stab

10.00.1999 (KFTY) courtesy of David Winyard

00.00.0000 G-159 H.R.M.

12.00.1999 (KPHX) courtesy of John W. Meneely
Markings: logo on tail

00.00.0000 (?) unattributed

00.00.0000 (?) unattributed

12.24.2011 (KCRP) courtesy of Bob Lewis

(KCRP off – airport) courtesy of Bob Lewis

Notes: N200AE on right, N500WN on left

01.31.2020 KCRP off-airport

Broken up in Corpus Christi Texas