Page updated: 03.02.2022
Manufactured: 1967
First Flight: 02.01.1967
Delivered: 02.16.1967
Factory Reg: N751G
Ford Motor Company (03.08.1967 to 00.00.0000)
04.25.1976 (EGSC) courtesy of Keith Sowter (

Coleman Air Transport (00.00.1978 to 0.00.0000)
00.00.1979 (KDTW) unattributed
Markings: “Coleman Air Transport” on fuselage / logo on tail

05.00.1981 by J. Roger Bentley, courtesy of Gary C. Orlando
Markings: “Coleman Air Transport” on fuselage / logo on tail

00.00.0000 (KDTW) courtesy of Eric Trum

Business Flight Services (11.10.1980 to 00.00.0000)
Cimber Air (leased 00.00.1980 to 00.00.0000)
Business Flight Services (11.00.1981 to 00.00.0000)
Northern Air Charter (leased 12.00.1981 to 00.00.0000)
Airlease Aps (09.00.1982 to 00.00.1983)
03.30.1981 (EKYT) courtesy of Erik Frikke (
Markings: lettering beneath DV window / logo on tail

00.00.1982 (EGNX) courtesy of Dick Gilbert

00.00.1982 courtesy of Graham Hocquard

00.00.0000 (?) G-159 H.R.M.
Markings: Northern Air Charter on fuselage / logo on tail

George J. Priester Aviation Services Inc. (01.20.1983 to 00.00.0000)
Textron Financial Corporation (08.00.1985 to 00.00.0000)

Brown Air Services (12.13.1985 to 07.00.1987)
Capital Airlines (re-named 07.00.1987 to 09.09.1988)
Withdrawn from use/stored East Midlands, Derbyshire 10.00.1987
Short Brothers (09.09.1988 to 05.14.1990)
Peregrine Air Services (leased 09.20.1988 to 00.00.0000)
Aberdeen Airways (re-named 01.00.1990 to 00.00.0000)
Hawk Aviation LTD (05.14.1990 to 03.25.1991)
Wisdom Investments Limited (03.25.1991 to 10.28.1991)
Aviation Management Consultants Lim. (10.28.1991 to 02.24.1992)
Registration canceled 02.24.2992
Exported to Indonesia

09.18.1985 (EGNX) by John Smith, courtesy of Robert Braithwaite

07.27.1986 (EGNJ) courtesy of Mike Illien
Markings: “Brown Air” on fuselage

07.03.1987 (EGPF) courtesy of Alastair T. Gardiner
Markings: “Brown Air” on fuselage

04-09. 00. 1987 (EGPK) courtesy of Mark Piacentini

05.01.1989 (EGBB) courtesy of AirTeamImages
Markings: “Aberdeen Airways” on fuselage

03.00.1990 (EGCB) courtesy of Ken Fielding
Markings: “Aberdeen Airways” on fuselage

04.00.1991 (EGPF) courtesy of Hugh McMillan
Markings: “Aberdeen Airways” and logo on fuselage

Transindo (09.24.1991 to 00.00.0000)
Total airframe time as of 12/31/1991…. 14013
10.10.1992 (WIHH) courtesy of Gerard Helmer (
Markings: Transcindo / Indonesian Flag / logo on tail

10.10.1994 (WIHH) courtesy of Paul Seymour

Citra Air (00.00.0000 to 00.00.0000)
06.00.2002 (WIHH) courtesy of Richard Vandervord
Markings: Citra Air on fuselage / Indonesia flag / lettering beneath DV window

06.06.2004 (WIHH) courtesy of Torben Guse

04.05.2005 (WIHH) Google Earth

09.06.2006 (WIHH) courtesy of Attan Akmar
Markings: logo on tail

10.25.2006 (WIHH) courtesy of Paul Seymour

08.18.2009 (WIHH) Google Earth

04.11.2010 (WIHH) Google Earth

07.23.2011 (WIHH) Google Earth

09.05.2012 (WIHH) courtesy of Marina Lystseva
Markings: “Citra Air” on fuselage / Logo on tail
Notes: First shot I have seen of the port side of this aircraft.

09.12.2013 (WIHH) Google Earth
Notes: Last Google Earth image before scrapped

08.14.2016 (Gianyar) courtesy of Stephan Dryagin

07.31.2018 (Indonesia) courtesy of Arjun Sarup

Broken up